Nutcracker 2008

Breana took part in her very first production of the Nutcracker through the studio where she takes ballet, Columbia Dance. Because of the snow storm, the performances that were scheduled the weekend before Christmas were cancelled and rescheduled for the weekend after Christmas. So instead of staying in Yelm as planned after Christmas, we returned to Vancouver for a 12:00 rehearsal on Dec. 26th. The performance went on without a hitch and Breana loved every minute of it. I was able to watch the matinee performance with Joe & Breana's grandma & great-grandma. For the evening performance I helped back stage. It was fun to see everything come together. And even though Breana's part was no more than 5 minutes, she felt like a princess! I'm even more impressed with Columbia Dance and all they have to offer. Her teacher Jan is a really amazing teacher! Here's a few pictures from the performances.
Breana & I in a self portrait before the show.

One final pose at the end of the show. Breana was so thrilled to get a rose...her smile tells it all. She was a beautiful little angel!

Christmas 2008

As Christmas drew closer so did the snow. It was beautiful, but it cancelled a lot of things that had been planned: school, nutcracker performances, church, the Field Family Christmas Party, piano playing at a Senior Living Estate, and Joe's work. Here's Kyle loving the snow on Dec. 20th. He did NOT want to come inside!

I was greatful that Joe felt comfortable enough to drive in the snow so that we were still able to drive up to Yelm for Christmas on Dec. 23rd. As I was making this post I realize we didn't do so well taking pictures during Christmas...we did get videos, just not snap shots. So these are the 2 pictures I got....

The kids with Grandma Yukish. We loved being at Uncle Brent & Aunt Nancy's house for Christmas day in Federal Way. It was great to see my aunt & uncles & cousins that we don't see very often!

The kids in their new PJs from Grandma & Grandpa Kay. When we got back to my parents Christmas Night I realized we hadn't taken I made the kids pose with their grandparents. James was truly fascinated with his nerf gun...yes, he is aiming at me.

O Christmas Tree!

The day after Thanksgiving we made our traditional trek to Thornton's Treeland to find the perfect tree!

Everyone began the hunt super-excited, roaming the fields. Breana was definitely more capable of finding actual possibilities this year. The boys liked finding sticks. Kyle seemed to trip over every bump and stump. He was extremely muddy by the end of the outing.

After about a half hour, it started to sprinkle and we hadn't found the perfect tree yet. At that point I was ready to just get anything. Andrew made it very clear he wished we could hurry up and decide so we could go and stop walking everywhere! Then we (I mean, Joe) found it....the perfect tree!!!

We enjoyed hot cocoa and a hay ride. Then stopped and fed the animals in the petting zoo. Another great day at Thornton's Treeland. This picture says it all..

The tree looked lovely in our home. I will forever love the smell of a fresh cut Noble Christmas Tree!

November 2008

This fall Joe took out the gas insert in our fireplace and returned it to a wood burning fireplace. Joe LOVES making fires and his boys are following closely in his footsteps. One day I was sitting on the couch and this was my view. I couldn't resist posting this picture...don't tell Joe. :o)

Because Joe made fires so frequently in our fireplace this fall, Kyle learned the routine really well. One day he knew Joe went out to the garage to get some wood. I watched Kyle go in the kitchen, open the spice drawer, push a chair to the drawer, climb on the chair, get the lighter out of the drawer, climb down, push the chair back to the table, close the drawer, and walk back to the fireplace where he laid down in front of it. When daddy returned, Kyle promptly handed him the lighter, proud of how he could help!


Thanksgiving was at our house in Vancouver this year. Joe's family came for the holiday and each contributed yummy food that made for a great evening.

While we were playing games, Nana had fun playing with the 1 year old great-grandkids! I wish my camera wasn't so blurry (I think some settings accidentally got changed), but this was the best shot I got. We all LOVE Nana!!!

Halloween 2008

For Halloween we went to the Church for a yummy dinner and Trunk or Treat. I turned our trunk into a "fishing pond" and Joe took the kids around to the all the trunks.

Kyle had a blast this year! As soon as he realize everyone would give him candy, I think this became his new favorite holiday! As soon as we got home he plopped down on the porch and dived into his bucket!

Joe took the kids around to a few neighbors after the Trunk or Treat, while I waited at home to hand out candy to any late trick or treaters. Just a few came, but we were there when our cousins showed up!

September 2008

Breana entered FIRST GRADE this year! She has adjusted well to the full day schedule, even managing to wake up earlier so she can catch the bus at 7:45am! Last year this didn't seem possible.
Andrew also has started school this year...PRESCHOOL! He attends Monday thru Thursday mornings. I wasn't too excited about having 4 days (instead of 3 like it was with Breana), but thanks to 2 friends who also have children attending the same preschool we have a great carpool lined up!

September is a busy BIRTHDAY month in our family. Breana turned 7 and Andrew turned 5!